What It Really Means To Be Vegan.

I am reblogging this as I have been thinking about something very similar for a while.
Sometimes things don’t make sense but it’s best to know something about what and who we judge before making assumptions. Having a vegan life is beneficial for the environment, others and animals.


If you are vegan, chances are you have that friend/cousin/stepbrother. The one that can’t let a family dinner or social outing go by without taunting you and your vegan ideals for the world to be amused by. You may love them to bits, you may wish they would very quietly disappear into the cracks of the floorboards, you may be used to the jabs and over the bickering, but either way- a vegan lifestyle seems to require constant defending and ongoing justification.

I guess at some point you get so used to it and just take it as part of the meaning of being vegan. But sometimes, I look at it- I really deconstruct it and look at it. And when I do, I get confused.


Why does someone with a vegan lifestyle feel the pressure to explain and justify his or her choice to live a cruelty-free lifestyle? Why…

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Huge Thanks to super talented fellow blogger and budding journalist Alexandra for this authentic interview

Environmentalist Blog

She takes a sip out of a white tea mug – tea is her most favourite beverage – and smiles. Her chin-length auburn hair softly frames her face. Blogger Sophie Jacazio, 24, is a London based environmentalist, food waste hater and recycling enthusiast. Her ultimate goal is to save the earth from becoming a massive landfill site one day.

Originally born in a small North West Italian village up the mountains to an English mum and an Italian dad, she grew up surrounded by thick forest. Sophie shares her recycling knowledge along with other practical tips and experiences – for example how she coped when undertaking a Vegan-for-a-month challenge – on her blog GreenTrails&TeapotTales.

After coming to London to pursue her studies in Chinese and Spanish in 2006 – not that she didn’t speak enough languages, having grown up with English, Italian and French – she fell in love…

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I need to buy some almonds to try this delicious recipe!!

The Renegade Rulebook

I’m the first to admit I’m no iron chef, nor do I try to be. Being something I’m not isn’t really my style. If you remember from my very first post, Blake is the hustler of the kitchen. He can whip something up out of nothing (except the time he tried to make soup out of vegetables that he thought were going bad…it smelled like feet). Don’t get me wrong, I CAN cook, and I ENJOY cooking; it’s just not what I enjoy writing about. You won’t find too many recipes on my blog…Unless it has to do with healthy living. I have a pretty killer recipe for natural lip scrub, and a bodacious brown sugar body scrub recipe I’ll be sharing in the upcoming weeks. They are edible, but I definitely wouldn’t consider them food.

One thing I do feel passionately about is eating healthy. When I lived…

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